
VeBS brings together various institutional partners and professionals who, distributed across the national territory, collaborate so that the various project objectives are achieved within the defined times. They contribute to strengthen the planning and political management of natural areas and disseminate information on the participatory and sustainable use of these areas.

Leader of the project is the Calabria Region supported by the Department of Health Protection and Social-Health Services of the Region and the Regional Agency for Environment Protection of Calabria (ARPACAL). Emilia-Romagna Region with the Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy  (ARPAE);  Lazio Region with the Epidemiology Department of the S.S.R. – ASL Roma1, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – Department of Life Sciences and Public Health; the University of Bologna – Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, the National Inter-university Consortium for Environmental Sciences (CINSA), the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Abruzzo Region (ARTA Abruzzo), under the scientific coordination of the Italian National Institute of Health and the technical coordination of ARPACAL.


Project representatives

Silvia Brini
Scientific project contact for ISPRA / Head of air quality monitoring and operational climatology area
Giacinto Ciappetta
ARPACAL Technical Coordinator / Technical Manager
Annamaria Colacci
Senior staff scientist at ARPAE General Directorate
Manuela De Sario
Scientific and technical support to Department of Epidemiology of SSR ASL Roma 1
Marco Domenicali
Associate Professor, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC)
Massimo Giusti
ARTA project contact and scientific technical director
Laura Mancini
Research Director, Director of Ecosystems and Health Department, Environment and Health Department of the Italian National Institute of Health.
Sisto Milito
Director of the Cosenza/Savuto Health District of ASP Cosenza
Nelson Marmiroli
Scientific contact and Director of CINSA
Walter Ricciardi
Full Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Catholic University Sacro Cuore.