The project aims to promote the use of green and blue infrastructures both in urban areas and intra and extra urban protected areas. The aim of the initiative is to develop these areas as multifunctional spaces that are not only accessible and safe, but also capable of stimulating participation and community cohesion. In this sense, we also want to promote the shared knowledge of all stakeholders for the maintenance and use of the various infrastructures and fully understand the benefits that the use of these areas provides in achieving greater psycho-physical wellbeing, with particular regard to the most vulnerable population groups such as elderly and children.
In order to develop a new institutional set-up, capable of managing thematic such as health-environment-biodiversity and climate, and able to redesign and strengthen the National Health Service (NHS) by assessing among others, technological development, new work organization, migration, degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity health impacts, the Ministry of Health published a Notice on June 30th 2022, in which called on regions and autonomous Provinces to submit four-years projects (2023-2026) on the topic.
In response to this Notice, the Calabria region (Lead Partner) submitted the project “The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being”, combining ideas and experiences of various national institutions, related to the B AREA Line 4 of the Ministry of Health Notice and financed for the total amount of €700,000.00.
The Italian Institute of Health has the Scientific Coordination of the project – Department of Environment and Health – Ecosystems and Health Department, while ARPACAL has the Technical Coordination – Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Calabria.
Other partners and operational units of the project are: the Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy (ARPAE), Lazio region with the Epidemiology Department of the S.S.R. – ASL Roma1, the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, the University of Bologna – Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, the National Inter-university Consortium for Environmental Sciences (CINSA), the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA ), the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Abruzzo (ARTA Abruzzo).
Find out more about the organisation and work team.
General Objective
“The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of health and of well-being” aims at promoting study, research, training and communication initiatives to implement policies for the planning, care and management of urban green and blue areas.
By promoting knowledge of health effects provided and raising awareness on the correct, conscious and participatory use of these areas, the project aims to support the development of green and blue areas on the national territory.
The areas covered by the project are in Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Calabria and Abruzzo regions.
Next to the general objective are four specific functional objectives to develop a better and in-depth knowledge of the use of green infrastructures, especially in urban and peri-urban areas.
Specific objectives
Objective 1
- Policies Mapping related to development and implementation of green and blue areas and their presence on the national territory.
- Systematization of local initiatives and implemented policies, at a regional and national level to encourage the implementation, protection and use of green and blue areas.
- Data Analysis of ISTAT annual monitoring on the state of the urban environment.
Indicator 1
Mapping of initiatives and policies.
Indicator 2
Counting of plant species in the atlas.
Indicator 3
Founding of different contexts where the transferability of best practices is feasible.
Objective 2
- Effects of green and blue spaces on people, with particular reference to the most vulnerable one.
Indicator 1
Report of experimental investigations on frail people (elderly and children) to verify the protective role of green and blue spaces on their health.
Objective 3
- Multifunctional reforestation and its impact on health, environment, biodiversity and climate.
- Analysis of existing experiences in the field of study to obtain indications on ecosystem services and design multifunctional green and blue spaces.
- Realization of an atlas of plant species and guidelines to bring decision makers to reforestation based on scientific evidence at a local level.
Indicator 1
Critical analysis of current approaches to reforestation in the study area.
Indicator 2
List of ecosystem services.
Indicator 3
Atlas of plant species for multifunctional reforestation extendable to other Italian territories.
Indicator 4
Guidelines for decision makers.
Objective 4
- Training, dissemination, and communication on green and blue spaces.
- Development of vocational training courses at different levels, to involve different actors in the creation and use of green infrastructures with final elaboration of best practices “roadmap” and essential guidelines on green and blue spaces, for all stakeholders involved.
Indicator 1
Definition of website and specific communication tools for different interlocutors.
Indicator 2
Creation of training materials and events.
Indicator 3
Participatory knowledge activities.
Action planned
The proposal includes multisector and multidisciplinary expertise; with this approach were identified the Operational Units (UU.OO.) involved: regions, institutions related to SNPA-SNPS, research bodies, universities and an inter-university consortium, which renders the proposal synergistic at a national level.
The activities are developed according to three main guidelines of action:
- Collection and production of scientific evidence on a local, regional and national level:
– mapping of regulations and policies on green and blue spaces;
– mapping of available evidence on the relationship between green and blue areas and health;
– acquisition and consultation of available information on the existence of green and blue spaces in Italian urban areas;
– realization of an atlas of plant species and their characteristics useful for greenery and green-blue spaces multifunctionality;
– evaluation of the contribution of green and blue spaces in climate mitigation and adaptation together with promotion of health and well-being with particular attention to vulnerable people; - Multilevel training:
– guidelines for the creation of implementation, redevelopment and restoration scenarios of natural ecosystems and urban spaces;
– production of a guideline for the certification of parks and wellness areas;
– production of a guideline for health promotion and prevention through the involvement of general practitioners, pediatricians of free choice and local health centers for the transfer of knowledge. - Communication to stakeholders, including citizens, and production of information material:
– creation of dissemination events for local and regional stakeholders and citizens on Environment and Health fields to increase awareness and opportunities;
– creation of materials and students’ educational kits for teaching in the green and blue areas;
– creation of awareness courses on well-being education and correct lifestyle of the new generations;
– initial workshop to present the activities and scientific background;
– final workshop to share the results and the roadmap on good practices for the creation of green infrastructures and correct use of blue spaces;
– creation of a project’s multimedia platform for different stakeholders.
- Collection and production of scientific evidence on a local, regional and national level: