VeBS: applied research project

The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being.
The project aims to promote the use of green and blue infrastructures in urban and suburban areas with effective development action, in order to stem the social inequality generated by the impossibility or difficulty of access to these infrastructures.

An applied research project VeBS

The good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being.
The project aims to promote the use of green and blue infrastructures in urban and suburban areas with effective development action, in order to stem the social inequality generated by the impossibility or difficulty of access to these infrastructures.

The project

VeBS is an applied research project of the National Complementary Plan on health, environment, biodiversity and climate.

The partners

The project brings together ideas and experiences of different institutions spread across Italy.


    30 June 2022
    Notice publication
    10 August 2022
    Research project presentation
    30 September 2022
    Funding approval by Ministry of Health
    28 October 2022
    Signing agreement on the discipline and project development
    19 January 2023
    Operational start of the project
    26 April 2023
    Kick-off meeting to introduce activities and scientific background
    01 September 2023
    Evaluation of benefits on elderly and children’s health
    01 December 2023
    Mapping of areas and policies

Project representatives

Sisto Milito
Calabria Region - Health Protection Department
Giacinto Ciappetta
ARPA Calabria
Manuela De Sario
Lazio Region - Department of Epidemiology
Silvia Brini
ISPRA - The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Nelson Marmiroli
CINSA - National Inter-University Consortium for Environmental Sciences
Annamaria Colacci
ARPAE - Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy of Emilia-Romagna
Walter Ricciardi
Hygiene Section of the Department of Life Sciences and Public Health of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
Massimo Giusti
ARTA Abruzzo - Abruzzo Environmental Protection Agency
Laura Mancini
Ecosystems and Health Department, Environment and Health Department of the Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ 
Marco Domenicali
DIMEC - University of Bologna

VeBS in figures




Regional agencies


National institutes

